Blog: Annika Clements

Umbra Nature Reserve


Thornback ray (c) Paul Naylor

Positive additions to the NI Priority Species List

The revised Northern Ireland Priority Species List released today (30 January 2023) by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, and effective from 27 February 2023, revealed a…

Umbra Nature Reserve

We have a Climate Change Act! (well, nearly)

On the 9th March 2022 Northern Ireland’s Assembly finally passed a Climate Change Bill – just over two years after declaring a Climate Emergency. This Bill is now awaiting Royal Assent, whereupon…

Sign reading climate justice now

10 things NI can do to combat climate change

As COP26 draws to a close, Annika Clements highlights 10 things Northern Ireland can do to tackle the climate crisis. The time is now to make this happen. We must use the momentum from COP26 to…

