What is the Landfill Communities Fund?
The Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) is an innovative tax credit scheme that enables operators of landfill sites to contribute a portion of the monies they pay as landfill tax directly to approved organisations, called Environmental Bodies (EB's), to fund community and environmental projects in the vicinity of landfill sites.
The scheme is regulated by ENTRUST and managed by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
What is Ulster Wildlife's role in the scheme?
Ulster Wildlife is a registered Environmental Body (EB) that distributes monies on a Landfill Operator's behalf.
Since 1997, Ulster Wildlife has helped distribute over £10 million to more than 500 community and environmental projects across Northern Ireland. However, with landfill site closures, activity is now restricted to only two Council areas where groups can apply for funding for a variety of environmental projects.
What projects are eligible for funding?
To receive funding through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF), applicants must be a constituted body with auditable accounts and have sufficient cash flow to fund initial project outlay as grants are payable retrospectively.
Projects must be:
- eligible under LCF Object D, DA or E. See Guidance Manual at www.entrust.org.uk
- based in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council or Fermanagh and Omagh areas*
- located within a ten-mile radius of a licensed landfill site.
The allocation of funding to eligible projects is then determined under processes agreed with the relevant landfill operator.
*please note that Ulster Wildlife does not administer the LCF across all NI areas. Other EBs, however, hold funds for other areas, in particular, Biffa Award and Groundwork NI. Please check with them to see if they cover your area.
For further information see Landfill Communities Fund FAQs, full Application Guidelines, or telephone Niamh Hart, Finance Manager on 028 9046 3131.
How do I apply?
If you are interested in making an application or would like more information about the application process please contact:
Fiona Montgomery
Tel: 028 9693 5268
Email: lcf@ulsterwildlife.org
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find out more information about the Landfill Communities Fund?
For more information and guidance surrounding the scheme, please visit the regulator ENTRUST’s website at www.entrust.org.uk or contact Niamh Hart on 028 9046 3131.
Is there a minimum or a maximum grant?
LCF guidelines have no minimum or maximum grant amount although applications for amounts under £5,000 are rarely considered and the maximum for community-based applications rarely exceeds £30,000.
The maximum amount available to any project is dependent on the available funding from the contributing landfill operator and policies current at the time of application. Interested applicants will be advised of the potential amount available at the expression of interest stage.
Can money be provided for project work that has already started prior to the submission of an application? When can a project start?
No, under the Landfill Communities Fund, Ulster Wildlife cannot provide retrospective funding. Your project can only start when the project has been registered with ENTRUST and you have signed and returned the Ulster Wildlife Letter of Offer. Any costs incurred prior to this are unable to be paid for using LCF funding.
How are project goods and services paid for?
Invoices must be paid in full by the applicant body as Ulster Wildlife is unable to release funds for unpaid invoices.
What does the term 'value for money' mean?
It is the responsibility of the applicant body to demonstrate that Value for Money (VFM) has been achieved when spending LCF funds.
ENTRUST’s April 2018 guidance is that competitive tendering for expenditure over £5,000 and three quotes where the value is less than £5,000.
The following more detailed guidelines are however suggested in line with Ulster Wildlife’s own procurement procedures:
£30,000 plus | publicly advertised tender |
£10,000 to £30,000 | five written quotations |
£1,500 to £10,000 | four written quotations |
£500 to £1,500 | three written quotations |
In some cases, it may not be possible to obtain a sufficient number of quotations or tenders, for example, where there is only one specialist supplier who could be used. Where the chosen supplier has not offered the lowest price or a specialist supplier is used, a written explanation on supplier selection will be required.
How will payment of the grant be made?
Once Ulster Wildlife has completed verification of claims to their satisfaction, grants will be paid either by BACs or by cheque. Full details of the claim process will be made available to successful applicants.
How are claims processed for VAT registered organisations?
Applications should show all VAT costs associated with the supply of goods and services for implementation of the project. However, VAT recoverable by VAT registered organisations will not be funded and must be clearly identified during the claim process.
How are claims processed for Non-VAT registered organisations?
VAT costs incurred by non-VAT registered organisations can, however, be funded. Proof of unregistered status will, however, need to be provided.