Why do hedgehogs need protecting?
Hedgehogs are disappearing across Britain and Europe and we believe the situation is similar here in Northern Ireland. We have all noticed how little we see them these days. Sadly, for some of us, the only time we will ever see a hedgehog is following a collision with traffic.
For every 30 hedgehogs in the UK in 1950, there is only 1 left in 2020.
As well as increased road traffic, our prickly friends are under pressure from habitat loss, agricultural intensification, land development and slug pellet use.
But there is hope. A recent UK report indicates that the decline in our towns and cities may be slowing, suggesting the actions that people are taking in their own neighbourhoods could be making a real difference.
This makes it even more important that we start taking action here in Northern Ireland before it’s too late. Giving hedgehogs space to thrive as well as building a better picture of their numbers here in Northern Ireland is essential.
Conservation Status
Hedgehogs are now listed as "Near Threatened" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List; until recently, they were listed as "Least Concern". In Britain, they are classed as Vulnerable to Extinction. There have been huge declines in Britain and Europe and it is estimated that there is a similar situation in Ireland, although we lack sufficient data.
Hedgehogs face many pressures and threats. Habitat loss from agricultural intensification and development results in the loss of hedgerows, wild spaces and suitable gardens. They are also under threat from road development and increased traffic. Slug pellet use in gardens has fatal consequences for hedgehogs, along with garden ponds which can cause drowning.
Protection Status
Protected under Schedule 6 of the Wildlife (NI) Order 1985.
How is Ulster Wildlife helping?
One of the issues we face in Northern Ireland is a lack of data and information on the status of hedgehogs. Since 2021 we have been working on increasing baseline data alongside NUI Galway through the Irish Hedgehog Survey. In addition to this, we provide the public with information, support and advice on helping hedgehogs in their gardens and neighbourhoods.
By working together we can build a better picture of their numbers in Northern Ireland and in turn, can help secure their future.

Hedgehog (c) Ronald Surgenor
Love hedgehogs?
How you can help hedgehogs
Report your hedgehog sightings
If you've seen a hedgehog snuffling about your garden or sadly lying dead on the roadside, we want to hear about it. This information will help us monitor hedgehogs across Northern Ireland.
Submit your hedgehog sightings
Make your garden a hedgehog haven
Gardens are an all-important habitat for hedgehogs as adult hedgehogs travel between 1-2km per night over home ranges between 10-20 hectares in size searching for food and mates – that’s entire housing estates and neighbourhoods! By gardening in a wildlife-friendly way, we can help our spiky companions move around safely and find a home.
Watch Katy, our Senior Conservation Officer, as she outlines our Top 10 tips to help hedgehogs.
Download our FREE 'Get creative for hedgehogs' booklet for more information and inspiration of what you can do to help hedgehogs.
Get tips for making your home and community more hedgehog friendly with this new guide produced in partnership with NUI Galway, as part of the Irish Hedgehog Survey.
Have you found an injured hedgehog?
Unfortunately, as a habitat conservation charity, we do not offer services for the care and rehabilitation of injured wildlife. Please visit our Contact Us page for a list of organisations and volunteers that may be able to help
Help hedgehogs at Halloween
Pumpkins can be great for a range of wildlife such as squirrels and birds, but unfortunately not for hedgehogs! Eating pumpkin gives them diarrhoea which can be dangerous at this time of year when they are trying to put on weight before hibernating.
You can help by placing your pumpkins high up off the ground so wildlife can still access them, but they're out of reach of hedgehogs. Or you could dry out the seeds to add to your bird table.