10 things NI can do to tackle climate change
Peter Cairns/2020VISION
10 things NI can do to tackle climate change
Introduce climate change legislation urgently with an ambitious emissions reduction target. Read our blog about the tale of two NI Climate Change Bills and current progress towards a Climate Change Act
Strong and solutions-driven leadership across all sectors to respond to climate change
Take personal responsibility - we can each make simple changes to help reduce our carbon footprint and to help nature adapt to climate change. We can also support everyone to become ‘carbon literate’ and have climate conversations - talk to your family, your friends, your colleagues
Create plans to help us all prepare for the effects of a changing climate (‘adaptation planning’)
Protect and restore our peatlands. Use evidence to target restoration and stop peatland greenhouse gas emissions and turn these areas into ‘net negative’ emissions
Protect and restore wetlands and blue carbon habitats- for example saltmarsh, seagrass, shellfish reefs, sediments
Develop a land use strategy that addresses both the biodiversity and climate crises- recognising how nature plays a vital role in locking away carbon as well as in reducing the local effects of a changing climate e.g. flood risks. Read more about the challenges and opportunities for land use on our blog
Create new nature networks to help wildlife adapt to climate change and to help reduce impacts of climate change on people – in towns, cities and the countryside
Support farmers to become ‘carbon custodians’ through new agri-environment schemes
Champion renewable energy both at land and sea, and choose green energy options for our homes & business - but use these schemes to also help nature by creating special wildlife habitats