Big Rockpool Ramble 2021 Results
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Big Rockpool Ramble 2021. We were thrilled to see so many people exploring the fantastic variety of marine wildlife found on our coastline.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Big Rockpool Ramble 2021. We were thrilled to see so many people exploring the fantastic variety of marine wildlife found on our coastline.
This species has been the rarest find of the Ulster Wildlife Intertidal Survey, and was found on our first survey!
When we think of sea anemones, it may conjure up images of tropical warm waters and coral reefs. However you don’t have to travel far to spot one of these amazing animals.
It’s always exciting to go down to the shore and hunt in the rockpools for anything cool and rare. I always get a thrill from finding something new, and I have found the best way to learn about…