Oyster Nursery Volunteers

Oyster Nursery Volunteers

Belfast Harbour Oyster Nursery, Pontoon at AC Marriott Hotel, Donegall Quay, Belfast, BT1 3FE
We are seeking volunteers to support native oyster nurseries at our marina locations throughout the year by monitoring the nurseries and recording the development of the oysters.

Position details



Native oysters were once found in abundance in Belfast Lough. However, due to overfishing, pollution, and disease the Irish fisheries commissioner deemed all native oyster fisheries in Ireland collapsed by 1903. Remnant native oyster shells can still be seen along the coastline today. We are deploying a native oyster nursery in Belfast Marina to support the natural recovery of this priority species back to historical abundance in our local waters. Bringing back the native oyster will help improve water clarity, increase water quality, enhance biodiversity and lock away carbon in their shell.

We are currently seeking a group of volunteers to support the work of the project by monitoring the oyster nurseries and recording their development.

The role of the volunteer will involve-

  • Attending the marina at least once a month to carry out health checks on the oyster nurseries
  • Recording oyster development and any losses
  • Removing any empty oyster shells
  • Helping keep the nursery cages in good order

Skills required-

  • Physically fit to bend, check and clean the cages.
  • Own transportation desirable

Training Dates-

  • 16th April and 23rd April – both training days are now full. Please contact our volunteer coordinator via volunteering@ulsterwildlife.org if you wish to be put on a reserve list

Contact details

To Apply: Please email your interest along with preferred training date to Sheila Lyons, Volunteer Coordinator at volunteering@ulsterwildlife.org.