Want to give red squirrels a helping hand in your area? Get involved with your local Red Squirrel Group. There are 14 groups in Northern Ireland who are working to protect reds through supplementary feeding, raising awareness of their plight, and removing invasive non-native grey squirrels.

Red Squirrel Groups across NI - 2022
Co. Antrim
Glens Red Squirrel Group (Glens of Antrim)
The Glens RSG aims to protect and help maintain the population of red squirrels in the Glens of Antrim and to provide whatever assistance possible to enable them to thrive. To further these objectives, the group aims to raise public awareness of the plight of the red squirrel and to educate and encourage young people in the conservation of reds throughout the Glens of Antrim.
Website: glensredsquirrelgroup.com
Facebook: facebook.com/GlensRSG
Email: chair@glensredsquirrelgroup.com
Ballygally RSG (Larne)
The Ballygally & District Biodiversity Group (BBG) was formed in 2015 by a group of volunteers with a wide-ranging interest in conservation and in particular the protection of native species. Based in the Larne area, the BBG draws its membership from across Co. Antrim and endeavours to concentrate on species that are under severe threat. The Group have specialists in red squirrel conservation which involves grey squirrel control.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1600431186885107
Email: bbgsecretary@yahoo.com
Co. Armagh
Ring of Gullion and Cooley RSG (South Armagh)
Ring of Gullion & Cooley RSG has been working in the area for several years conserving the healthy red squirrel and pine marten populations through constant monitoring of their sites. The group has a big impact in the area raising awareness and encouraging the reporting of sightings. They are also involved in some interesting pine marten research.
Facebook: facebook.com/slievegullionlongfield
Co. Derry/Londonderry
North West Red Squirrel Group (Derry/Londonderry)
The North West RSG is actively helping conserve red squirrel strongholds within a 10-mile radius of the city- mainly Muff Glen, Eglinton and out along Letterkenny Road (City Cemetery) and Culmore Road, Drumahoe, Prehen and Enagh areas. This entails removing any grey squirrels present and supplementary feeding the reds. The group meets every weekend in Muff Glen and attends any environment-based events and visits schools and youth groups to educate and hold fundraising events. A Red Squirrel Day is held in October each year at various venues.
Website: facebook.com/NorthWestRedSquirrelGroup
Email: nwredsquirrelgroup@yahoo.com
Binevenagh Red Squirrel Group (Binevenagh)
After years of absence, red squirrels have recently been discovered at Binevenagh. The Binevenagh Red Squirrel Group are now looking after this important population. If you are in the area and would like to help, please get in touch.
Email: binevenaghreds@outlook.com
Facebook: facebook.com/BinevenaghRSG
Twitter: twitter.com/BinevenaghR
Mid-Ulster Red Squirrel Group (Magherafelt)
The Mid-Ulster Red Squirrel Group is dedicated to protecting, monitoring and helping red squirrels and their habitats within the groups ‘Operational Area’ – an expansive area of Mid-Ulster including Tyrone and Derry/Londonderry.
Email: MidUlsterRSG@hotmail.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/midulsterredsquirrelgroup
Co. Donegal
Donegal Red Squirrel Group (Donegal)
The only group established through Ulster Wildlife’s Red Squirrels United project in the Republic of Ireland and based in Co. Donegal. Donegal RSG volunteers are having a big impact in the area raising awareness of the importance of the red squirrel populations in the county and how to protect them. They are also keenly located to prevent the spread of invasive grey squirrels further west across the Inishowen Peninsula.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theredsquirrelsofdonegal
Co. Down
Tollymore Red Squirrel Group (Newcastle)
Tollymore RSG is the longest-established RSG in Northern Ireland. The group works hard to monitor the red squirrel population in Tollymore Forest. They are having a big impact in raising awareness of squirrel pox with locals and visitors to the park.
Website: tollymoreredsquirrelgroup.com
Facebook: facebook.com/TollymoreRedSquirrels
Rostrevor Red Squirrel Group (Rostrevor)
Rostrevor RSG was set up in the heart of the Mournes to protect red squirrels from grey squirrel incursions. This group is situated at the East flank of the Mournes, one of the most likely incursion sites for grey squirrels. They work hard monitoring the area and are raising awareness in the community with events and calls for sightings, as well as creating a red squirrel walk in Kilbroney Forest.
Facebook: facebook.com/rostrevorredsquirrels
Heart of Down Red Squirrel Group (Ballynahinch)
Based in the centre of County Down, near Ballynahinch, the Heart of Down Red Squirrel Group is working hard to protect, conserve, and help native red squirrels in and around mid-Down. To further these aims, it provides assistance and guidance to gardeners and landowners regarding best practise on habitat, feeding, etc. It also aims to raise public awareness at all times of the plight of the red squirrel and is actively engaging with local schools to educate and enthuse future generations, to ensure they also can enjoy this little wonder of nature.
Twitter: twitter.com/heartofdownreds
Email: heartofdownreds@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartofdownreds/
North Down Red Squirrel and Pine Marten Group (Bangor)
This group was set up after a sighting of a red squirrel in Cairn Wood. Community appetite for grey squirrel control in the area is good and further red squirrels have been sighted since work began.
Facebook: facebook.com/NDRedSquirrelPineMarten
Ards Red Squirrel Group (Newtownards)
The Ards RSG is working to defend the red squirrels which inhabit the woodland from the National Trust’s Mount Stewart estate across to Millisle and south to Portaferry. The National Trust work with local landowners and volunteers to monitor and feed the red squirrels and remove any invasive greys that venture down the Peninsula.
Website: nationaltrust.org.uk/mount-stewart
Contact: ArdsRedSquirrels@nationaltrust.org.uk
Co. Fermanagh
Fermanagh Red Squirrel Group
The Fermanagh Red Squirrel Group (FRSG) was established to assist in the conservation of the red squirrel in County Fermanagh. The group was formed in the spring of 2011, and facilitated by Fermanagh District Council through its Local Biodiversity Action Plan. It was established to assist in the conservation of the red squirrel in the county.
Website: fermanaghredsquirrelgroup.com
Email: Contactus@fermanaghredsquirrelgroup.com
Co Monaghan
Monaghan Red Squirrel Group
The Monaghan Red Squirrel Group has only recently been established and is still developing its presence across the county. They currently building up a picture of red squirrel distribution across the county and raising awareness of the red squirrel's plight.
Facebook: facebook.com/MonaghanRSG
Instagram: instagram.com/monaghanredsquirrelgroup/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MonaghanRSG
Co Tyrone
West Tyrone Red Squirrel Group (Omagh)
West Tyrone RSG members are working hard around Omagh and across the district to protect our native red squirrel. They monitor the area for red and grey squirrels, as well as the pine marten, and carry out grey squirrel control to ensure the continuation of the red squirrel population in the area.
Facebook: facebook.com/WestTyroneRedSquirrelGroup
Email: tyroneredsquirrels@gmail.com