Dermot led us on a walk along this beautiful stretch of coastline, on the way showing us plenty of local plant species which were edible. We also discussed what might be in season at this time of year and mushrooms came into the discussion, with Dermot assuring us that few of them would kill you outright! We also found a few remaining patches of saltmarsh habitat, increasingly rare on this coastline and not likely to last much longer in the face of rising sea levels, but alas no samphire was found.
Coastal Foraging at Cushendall
On 10 September I headed to Cushendall, Co. Antrim to meet up once again with Dermot Hughes of Forage Ireland for a coastal foraging course. As ever the course had proved very popular and we were fully booked, and then some.

We also walked the rocky shore finding edible periwinkles and a variety of seaweed species, not Dermot’s favourite food, but all perfectly edible nonetheless. Despite my initial weather worries, the day turned out to be sunny and bright and everyone had a good time, heading home a little wiser as to the culinary delights available on our coastline.
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