Wild Youth Awards – Requesting your Award Certificates

Leave blank if you are applying as an individual
What address should we send your certificate/s to?
What address should we send your certificate/s to?
If you are a group, please add one person as the contact
If you are a group, please add one email address for contact
Please provide the ages of the youngest and oldest participants if you are applying as a group

How did you include the 5 ways to Wellbeing in your activities?

e.g. – There were 5 young people in our Award group and we worked as a team to achieve our activities.  We posted on social media about what we were doing.
e.g. – We got great exercise when we went on a visit to nature reserve to see bird boxes that had already been put up.
e.g. – We went bird watching and saw sparrows, blue tits, starlings, jackdaws and a buzzard.
e.g. – We learnt how to use hammers, saws and drills to make our bird boxes.
e.g. – Blue tits and robins have started nesting in 3 of the bird boxes that we put up.  Local people have said they really enjoy seeing the birds come and go.

Name and peer comments for the Award Certificates

We invite you to provide a short positive comment about each participant.  Ideally this should come from other young people in your group (peer to peer comment).  If this is not possible then please provide a positive comment from a leader. 
e.g.  – Brandon Ellis - Brandon’s determination really shines, he is great fun to do activities with and never quits!

Photographs or video clips are great.

Please ensure that anyone shown in them has given consent for their image to be used. We may utilise these images and clips for promotional purposes, so please indicate in the section below if there are any images you do not give consent to use

Ulster Wildlife is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information, you can read more about how we protect your data in our Privacy Notice

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