Concentrix staff get closer to nature with Earth Month campaign
Concentrix in Belfast has partnered with Ulster Wildlife as part of their Earth Month campaign launched this week, aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues and sustainable development…
Bring Nature Back - creating a wilder future for us all
This World Earth Day, Ulster Wildlife launches its vision for a wilder future by 2030 - working in partnership to protect, connect and manage at least 30% of land and sea in Northern Ireland for…
Nature Notes
Highlights and observations of what we are seeing on our Nature Reserves this week. We hope you enjoy getting closer to the wildlife and wild places we manage!
Nature reserves may look…
Nature Notes
Nature reserves may look completely wild, but our 18 reserves across Northern Ireland are actually carefully managed by a dedicated team. We protect, restore and create a mix of habitats where…
10 Tips For Improving Your Nature Photography Skills
To celebrate Nature Photography Day here's our top 10 tips for nature photography.
Farming for nature's recovery
Red clover
A familiar 'weed' of gardens, roadsides, meadows and parks, red clover has trefoil leaves and red, rounded flower heads. It is often used as fodder for livestock.
White clover
A familiar 'weed' of gardens, roadsides, meadows and parks, White clover is famous for its trefoil leaves - look out for a lucky four-leaf clover in your own garden!
Letting Nature In
How I’m planning to share my garden with nature
Nature Notes
Highlights and observations of what we are seeing on our Nature Reserves this (very rainy) week - and there has been lots to see!
Nature reserves may look completely wild, but our 18…
Nature Notes
Beetles galore plus lots of other uncommon and rare sightings on the Reserves this week.
Nature reserves may look completely wild, but our 18 reserves across Northern Ireland are actually…