Dave helped us identify species along the way and gave us a bit more information about each of them. We hadn’t strolled too far when we came across a grey heron in the river catching a plaice for its dinner! We learnt from one of the locals that they were nesting at a site nearby. Further along the river we spotted some mallard ducks closely followed by their little chicks.
Coastal Walk on the Wild Side - Glenarm

I was excited to reach the harbour where black guillemots nest in the crevices in the harbour walls. We soon saw the flaps of their little wings in and out of the holes in the walls, which they choose so that they can avoid land predators such as rats. It must have been dinner time for them as well, as we spotted them carrying some goldsinny wrasse in their mouths as they flew by. There were many gulls flying overhead throughout the walk including black headed gulls, herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls.
Some of the other bird species along the coast included ravens, jackdaws, grey wagtails, pied wagtails, swallows, house martins, swifts and fulmars nesting on the cliffs. As we ventured further along the coast, Dave pointed out some cuckoo spit and their frog hoppers which are little insects that can jump an impressive length if threatened! We also saw some beadlet anemones, a shore crab, burnet moth cocoons, caterpillars and some spotted orchids.
It was a lovely relaxing evening, and it is always great to see people interested in getting out and learning about nature. Thanks to everyone who joined us and we hope to see all you wildlife watchers again soon at some of our events.
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