Public invited to help with 2019 All-Ireland Squirrel and Pine Marten Survey
Members of the public are invited to participate in a Citizen Science survey, and record their sightings of red squirrels, grey squirrels and pine martens.
Members of the public are invited to participate in a Citizen Science survey, and record their sightings of red squirrels, grey squirrels and pine martens.
Largely confined to the north of the UK, the rare pine marten is nocturnal and very hard to spot. However, it can be enticed to visit a peanut-laden birdtable.
Volunteers invited to take part and help survey Northern Ireland’s hedgehogs
One of our most elusive native mammals, the pine marten, is seeing a resurgence across Northern Ireland according to new a survey report released today by Ulster Wildlife.
Red squirrels are one of our favourite native woodland animals. Today, we've launched a new red squirrel conservation strategy for Northern Ireland to ensure that red squirrel conservation is…
The grey squirrel was introduced into the UK in the 1800s. It provides an easy encounter with wildlife for many people, but can be damaging to woodlands and has contributed to the decline of the…
Researchers from NUI Galway, with help from Ulster Wildlife in Northern Ireland, are encouraging people across Ireland to report hedgehog sightings or conduct surveys in their gardens or local…
Red squirrels are native to the UK but are a lot rarer than their grey cousins. They live in a few special places across the UK thanks to reintroduction projects.
We're encouraging residents across Counties Armagh and Tyrone to get outside and report any sightings of squirrels and pine marten this Red Squirrel Awareness Week (2-8 October), to help with…
The Scots pine is the native pine of Scotland and once stood in huge forests. It suffered large declines, however, as it was felled for timber and fuel. Today, it is making a comeback - good news…