Balloo Wetland
A haven for wetland wildlife and people in the heart of Bangor.
A haven for wetland wildlife and people in the heart of Bangor.
A stroll through this small but long-established woodland offers a pleasant retreat from the hustle and bustle of Bangor.
Are you a people person who loves crafting and nature? Would you like to attend events alongside the Ulster Wildlife team, helping to run craft activities for young people and raising awareness…
An area of land adjacent to Balloo Wetland has been officially handed over to Ards and North Down Borough Council by Radius Housing and will be managed by Ulster Wildlife for biodiversity,…
Balloo Wetland Nature Reserve in Bangor has reopened, following a two-year closure for redevelopment.
The largest of the UK wrasse species, the ballan wrasse with its striking patterning is a delight for any rocky reef snorkeller or shallow water diver!
Plant flowers that release their scent in the evening to attract moths and, ultimately, bats looking for an insect-meal into your garden.
Common mallow is a handsome 'weed' of waste ground, roadside verges and gardens. Its deep pink, stripey flowers provide nectar for insects throughout the summer.
Although introduced by humans, the fallow deer has been here so long that it is considered naturalised. Look out for groups of white-spotted deer in woodland glades.