Contact Us

Kingfisher (c) Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Kingfisher (c) Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Contact us

Get in touch 

Office address:
Ulster Wildlife, McClelland House, 10 Heron Road, Belfast, BT3 9LE. 

Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Get directions to our office

General enquiries:
Email: Tel: 028 9045 4094

Membership enquiries: 
Tel: 028 9045 4094, Press 1 for Membership (please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible)

Send us a message

Barn owl (c) Danny Green

Barn owl (c) Danny Green

Did you know?

Our local wildlife conservation work relies on membership and donations from you. Every pound donated can help.

Wildlife enquiries

Useful contacts

Unfortunately, as a habitat conservation charity, WE DO NOT offer services for the care and rehabilitation of injured wildlife. Please find below a list of organisations and individuals who may be able to help

All wildlife - rehabilitation  USPCA wildlife rescue 028 3025 1000
All wildlife - rehabilitation Debbie Doolittle's Wild Life 028 9082 5742; 0772 4459881
All wildlife - rehabilitation Foyle Wildlife Rescue 07703 766887
All wildlife - rehabilitation Dooletter Wildlife Rescue 07730404991
All wildlife - veterinary care Vets Now, Belfast 028 9065 1729
All wildlife - rehabilitation and advice USPCA 028 3025 1000
Bats - rehabilitation and advice NI Bat Group 028 9039 5264
Birds of prey - advice Raptor Rescue 0870 2410609
Birds of prey - rehabilitation Irish Hawking Club 00353 857117863
Foxes - advice National Fox Welfare Society 01933 411996 or 0777 818 3954
Hedgehogs - rehabilitation Loughgall Hedgehog Rescue 07810876470
Seals - rehabilitation and advice Exploris Aquarium 028 4272 8062

Marine strandings

If you find a DEAD stranded whale, dolphin, seal, basking shark or marine turtle, please report it to the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) - or 028 9056 9421

LIVE stranded whales, dolphins or porpoises should be reported to British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) on 01825 765546.

If you find a seal which is ashore and looks like it may be injured or malnourished, please do not touch it or chase it back into the sea. Observe from a distance and keep dogs and people away from it. Injured, abandoned or sick seal pups should be reported to Exploris Seal Sanctuary on 028 4272 8062 or 07701 372623.

Wildlife crime

Wildlife crime involves any action which contravenes current legislation protecting Northern Ireland’s wild animals and plants. Wildlife crime includes everything from the persecution of bats, badgers and birds of prey to illegal poaching of fish and illegal trade of endangered species. 

Any information about wildlife crime should be reported immediately to the PSNI on telephone 101. 

  • Describe your call as a Wildlife Crime report

  • Give details of the crime: the who, what, where, when and how

  • Ask for an incident reference number. 

For more information about wildlife crime and what to do if you witness a wildlife crime, visit


Wildlife Crime List

Wildlife Crime List

Baby birds

We receive lots of enquiries in the summer about baby birds out of nests. In most cases, a baby bird should be left alone unless it is hurt or in immediate danger. Follow the useful advice below before you decide to intervene.  

Baby bird out of nest advice - Ulster Wildlife

Dead badgers

The NI Badger Group collects reports of road kill badger to help contribute to the knowledge of badger distribution and behaviour. 

Roadkill badgers should also be reported to DAERA on 028 774 42399 (Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm) or email

Planning & wildlife

As a small charity, unfortunately, we don't have the resources or capacity to advise on individual planning enquiries. The best thing to do is to engage with the process via the Planning NI Portal and take a look at the useful planning pack produced by RSPB NI to help guide you through the planning system and help protect the wildlife that's important to you. 

Kingfisher (c) Tony Dalton

Kingfisher (c) Tony Dalton 

Love wildlife? Join us

Help protect the precious wildlife and wild places you love in Northern Ireland by joining our family.

Become a member

Other enquiries

Nature Reserves

For general nature reserve enquiries:
Tel: 028 9046 3117  Email:

In the event of an out of hours incident on one of our nature reserves, please call 07485 329724. Please note: this number is NOT for injured wildlife or wildlife rescue, we do not provide those services - see above for organisations and individuals that may be able to help.

Media or filming enquiries

We can provide stories, quotes and features about our stunning wildlife, wild places and nature conservation work across NI.

If you are a journalist or production company with an enquiry, interview request or seeking permission to film at one of our nature reserves, please contact Kelly Muldoon via email or tel: 07485329718

Event bookings

To book a place or enquire about an Ulster Wildlife event:
Tel: 028 9046 3122

To book an Ulster Wildlife stand at a third-party event: 


Volunteering is currently on hold, when we are able to safelt faciliate volunteering again, our opportunities will be listed here  - see all our current volunteering opportunities online.

If you'd like to speak to someone about volunteering:
Tel: 028 9046 3114

Speakers & talks enquiries

We are currently unable to offer any talks at this time.

Education sessions

We are currently unable to offer any outreach sessions at this time.


Ulster Wildlife wants to exceed your expectation in everything we do. However, we know that there may be times when we do not meet our own high standards. When this happens, we want to hear about it, in order to deal with the situation as quickly as possible and put measures in place to stop it happening again.

Read our complaints policy or make a complaint.

Send us a message